Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Found in Sacramento County

RHDV2 has been found in Rancho Cordova in Sacramento County .
What is RHDV and do I need to vaccinate if my rabbit lives indoors.
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHDV)is a highly contagious and fatal calicivirus. This deadly virus affects both pet and wild rabbits. RHDV kills quickly, giving little warning. A safe and effective RHDV2 vaccine is available. We strongly recommend that all rabbit caregivers (including fosterers and shelters) vaccinate their bunnies ASAP.
RHDV2 is a highly contagious and fatal calicivirus. It is deadly to pet and wild rabbits.
RHDV2 poses no risk to humans or other animals
RHDV2 is spread through contact between infected rabbits, their meat or fur, respiratory fluids, urine, feces, contaminated soil or materials in contact with those items.
RHDV2 can be transmitted to indoor rabbits by pets who go outdoors, on shoes, packages, greens or hay, insects like fleas, and mosquitos.
RHDV2 can be easily spread to new areas by moving rabbits or contaminated items, and on shoes or clothing.
RHDV2 may also be spread by insects and scavengers after contact with sick or dead rabbits
There was case in Arizona where a residents dog found a rabbit carcass outside, brought it to front door, and next thing they knew all of their indoor pet rabbits were dead.
In Calgary Canada in October – hundreds of rabbit colonies abandoned all around the city died.
A safe and effective RHDV2 vaccine is available. All rabbit pet owners and shelters should vaccinate.
Read More Here (links in Bio )
RHDV Resource Center | House Rabbit Society
Watch the Video with Dr. Sari Kanfer ( link in Bio )
Sacramento Vets who have the RHDV vaccine
Madison Avenue Veterinary Clinic
8520 Madison Ave.
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Dr. Brick
PetCare Veterinary Clinic
1014 Douglas Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95678
Dr. McRoberts
Edgewood Veterinary Clinic
1055 Grass Valley Hwy
Auburn, CA 95603
Dr. Griffiths
Companion Veterinary Clinic
105 Auburn Folsom Road
Auburn, CA 95603
Kittel Family Practice
8153 Elk Grove Blvd. Ste 30
Elk Grove, CA 95758

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