Oliver – In Memoriam

Oliver is a super sweet and friendly guy.  He’s a PERFECT boy.  He’ll climb right in your lap and snuggle up to your neck.  PRECIOUS!

Oliver has malocclusion which causes his front top and bottom teeth to never wear down (see next picture). He isn’t able to eat well with his teeth so long. Oliver recently had surgery and had the top and bottom front teeth removed. He is able to pick up food with his lips and chew with his molars. He will need to have his veggies cut up so that he can pick them up since he doesn’t have front teeth.

Sadly Oliver passed away a week after surgery. We love you so much Oliver and will miss you! You were such a special loving rabbit, may you RIP little bun.

ID # A558030 Intake Date 10/14/2011

Rescue Date 10/20/2011

1 Response

  1. You’re with new bunny friends and those that took care of you and fed you and saw to your wants and needs will see you when it is their time. There will be lots of hugs and kisses for you when you are reunited again with your hooman companions

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