Things to Consider When Adopting A Rabbit

When Adopting A Rabbit 
Please take time to consider
The Scared ones,
The Shy ones,
The ones that don’t stick out to you,
The ones with the boring colors or the red eyes,
The Older ones,
The frail ones.
They have not given up.
They just need you!
And maybe you just need them too!

Storm is white and has ruby color eyes. She is so happy when she plays, she’s entertaining. She loves to be pet and if you stop she will gently nose bonk you to tell you she wants more love.








Tulip is shy, scared and older, but a total sweetheart. She just wants to sit next to you and be pet. She’s the perfect bunny to sit beside you as you binge watch your favorite t.v. series.

Fiona is blind in her right eye. She gets so excited when you pet her that she will bite if you stop. Fiona is learning in foster care to nose bonk instead of biting to ask for more pets. All she wants is 100% of your love and attention.

Grayson and Zoey are 7 years old. They both LOVE to be pet. They had free roam in their previous home, but sadly the adopters returned them when they decided to move. These two are the perfect house rabbits with perfect litter box habits. All they want is someone who will love them.







Lemon Drop, Rocky, and Lollipop are a trio who are bonded. Lemon Drop likes to be held and cuddled. Rocky doesn’t like to be held but will sit next to you to be pet. Lollipop is the social butterfly of the group. These three are mellow bunnies who just want a place to call home.








Paloma was covered in urine stains. She has shed out all the stains and is so beautiful. She is a fun playful rabbit who just wants a loving home.


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