

Nail Trim

We offer bunny pedicures. Please contact us if you are interested in this service or bring your bunny to any of our adoption events.

Cost $10.00

*Fees for all of our services go towards our Veterinary and Rabbit care expenses.


Is your bunny looking for a love connection? We specialize in bunny matchmaking. Bring your spay/neutered rabbit to any of our adoption events or contact us for a speed dating session. Rabbits are very social and are happiest with a bunny companion. We will happily match your rabbit up with the perfect bunny friend.

Do you already have two rabbits but need help with bonding? Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our “Bunny Bonding Specialist”. The first 30 minutes is free. We graciously ask for a suggested donation of $10.00 for every additional 30 minutes.

*Fees for all of our services go towards our Veterinary and Rabbit care expenses.


Going on vacation but can’t take Snicker Doodle Bun with you? When space permits our rabbit savvy volunteers will provide boarding in their home for your rabbit. Your bunny will be safe, secure and spoiled while in our care.

Cost $25.00 a day – Fresh Veggies, High quality Pellets, Timothy Hay and Litter     provided.

$20.00 a day if you provide veggies, pellets, litter and Timothy Hay.

*Fees for all of our services go towards our Veterinary and Rabbit care expenses.

*Fees for all of our services go towards our Veterinary and Rabbit care expenses.


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