Is A Rabbit The Right Pet For You?

Are you the right kind of person to live with a rabbit? Rabbits are wonderful companions for the right people but learning to live with a bunny can take some adjusting. It’s a good idea to make sure everyone in the family wants a rabbit as a pet. Check to make sure no one in your home is allergic to rabbits or hay. Are you willing to take the time to learn how to properly care for a rabbit? Do you have the financial resources to provide adequate indoor housing and other necessary supplies for a bunny? Take into consideration before deciding on a pet rabbit if you move, get married, have a baby or if your kids lose interest, are you prepared to keep your rabbit? If you are willing to take full responsibility of a rabbit for its 7 to 12 years of life, then maybe a rabbit is the right pet for you.

You must have patience and plenty of time to spend with your new friend. You must also be comfortable spending a lot of time on the floor, and learn not to be overly fussy about your house and furniture. A bunny’s home needs to be “rabbit-proofed”. All electrical cords and poisonous things that can be eaten such as plants need to be kept out of reach. If you can’t rabbit proof your entire home, you will need to have at least one room where your rabbit can play safely.

Like other pets, rabbits may require veterinary care occasionally which could become costly. Rabbits are considered exotic animals and their veterinary care is expensive. Like other animals, rabbits should be spayed/neutered to improve their health and behavior. Do you have adequate financial resources to provide veterinary care for your bunny should he or she become sick?

Will a rabbit be a good pet for your child? The truth is maybe not. If you adopt a rabbit as a pet for a child, you should expect to be its primary caregiver. The child also needs to be taught how to properly handle the rabbit because rough handling can be dangerous to a rabbit’s frail skeleton. Please keep in mind that rabbits do not like to be held and they may also bite or scratch if mishandled. Therefore, you need to properly supervise your child with the rabbit so that they learn the right way to pet them and play with them.

Will your other pets get along with your bunny? The first thing you need to remember about rabbits and other animals is that rabbits are prey animals, and they can be easily injured. Cats can learn to get along with a bunny with the right training. They pose less of a risk to a rabbit than a dog. Cats, just playing can take a swat at a rabbit and leave not so much as a scratch. Dogs, on the other hand, can kill a rabbit with one quick snap of their jaws. Rabbits should be introduced slowly to other pets. Start with your cat or dog on a leash with the rabbit in its cage or pen. If your cat is not declawed you should trim its claws. ALWAYS supervise your other pets with your bunny. Even in play your other pets can kill your beloved bunny without meaning to.

Please take time to consider all the things mentioned above before you take on the responsibility of rabbit ownership. Too many rabbits are abandoned and dumped at shelters every year because their owner didn’t take the time to think it over.

2 Responses

  1. I live in Roseville, CA & am seeking middle-aged dwarf rabbit to bond with Linus, my dwarf lionhead who lost his mate in December. Do you have any suitable buns?

    • Kimberly

      We have an adoption event on Saturday August 17th from Noon to 4:00pm at Petco 855 East Bidwell Folsom, CA. If your rabbit is neutered and lives in the house, bring him to the event and we will help find him a friend. Annie might be a good match. She’s a darling Lionhead.

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