Category Archives: Uncategorized

Help Save Johnny’s Life

Friends, we need your help for poor Johnny. The histopathology report came back on the growth that was removed from his foot and leg. It’s Myxosarcoma, cancer ? We talked to Dr. Sanchez on Saturday. She recommends amputating the leg. This will give Johnny the best chance to eliminate the chance of the cancer returning....
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Bunny T-Shirts – Urgent Surgery Needed for 3 Rabbits

Let your light Shine brightly for the world to see ? Inspired by Sunshine’s resilience to survive☀️?? Order to support Sunshine’s surgery. Lots of colors, styles and sizes available. Order here  Shop Now  Visit The Hop Shop for more t-shirt designs Click Here Friends, we need you now more then ever! Donations...
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Send a Valentine’s Message for a Chance to Win!

The @PetcoFoundation is giving out grant awards to organizations like ours, and prizes to adopters like you! Follow these steps to post your #ShelterValentine and help us earn a $10,000 grant award! Be sure to mention @friendsofunwantedrabbits and @petcofoundation when you post your photo/video to Facebook, Instagram,...
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