When one door closes another door opens and boy did the doors open for our TEAM-FUR rabbits; Petco doors that is! We are happy to announce that our rabbits have moved to a fabulous room of their very own at Petco located at 855 East Bidwell Street in Folsom, CA! We are now...
Pasquale Vegas Bound!

Pasquale won the heart of Michelle who lives in Las Vegas. Michelle is experienced with house rabbits. She was looking for a special bunny to bond with her blind bunny and felt Pasquale would be a good fit.
After New Years Pasquale's foster loaded him up in her car and drove him to Las Vegas to...
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Peanut recovers from attack

When we rescued Peanut we discovered that he had been attacked by something. He had bite wounds all over his body. The worse injury was to his right shoulder and right toe. His injuries had appeared to have healed over but as is often the case with rabbits, a wound that appears to have healed...
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