Bandit & Willow Find a Forever Home Together

We are so pleased that Bandit, who has been with us for sometime, was adopted the day before Thanksgiving! To make the event even more special Bandits new family wanted him to have a friend.

When we met with Valerie and John Wednesday night they had expressed interest in adopting Willow too and bonding him with Bandit. Willow was part of 52 rabbits that were confiscated in the summer. Willow had been at the Sacramento County Shelter waiting for his forever home.  There was an hour before the shelter closed. We left John and Valerie at Petsmart to interact with and get to know Bandit. We rushed to the shelter and rescued Willow. Willow had already been neutered so we could proceed with a bonding that night!

The bonding went fabulous! You could almost see both Willow and Bandit smile as they knew not only were they going to their forever loving home but they were going to be best bunny buddies forever!

Bandit and Willow A Bandit and Willow B Bandit and Willow

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