Irish wants a Cookie!

Our dear sweet Irish’s Christmas wish came true! It was through a sad loss that Irish’s new home came about. Sadly on Christmas Jasper, who was adopted from FUR over four years, ago passed away. Jasper was bonded to Cookie who was also adopted from FUR.

Cookie’s Mom saw that she was grieving the loss of her friend and was lonely. As soon as Cookie was let out of her carrier to meet Irish, she hopped in the litter box with Irish and snuggled in close. It was clear that Cookie was comforted to be with Irish.

During the bonding process Cookie wanted to make it clear to Irish that she was going to be the boss, Irish although taken back a little, didn’t have a problem with this. When bonding rabbits the bonding process continues as the rabbits are taken to their new home. It can be a bit stressful waiting for rabbits to bond. You patiently wait for that magical moment to take place when the rabbits start grooming each other. We are happy to report that after several days in his new home Irish and Cookie’sIrishandCookieA Mom reported the “magic” happened. Irish started grooming his Cookie : )

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