
Bandit came into the shelter on July 31 and was a little scared so I did not want to take him out of the cage for a photo shoot.  He has since warmed up and is very friendly.  His right ear is dappled with brown.

He was rescued by FUR in October and we named him Bandit.  He is currently in foster care and is available for adoption.

Bandit was recently neutered and one of our fosters took him home for his recovery.  She did not want to bring him back!!!

Bandit is such a sweet rabbit.  He is very calm and seeks out attention.

He liked the foster’s great big dog.

His fur is very soft and he has great markings.  His ears are amazing!

Like many rabbits, Bandit loves shoes. Bandit is currently at the Petsmart in Folsom on East Bidwell.

RESCUE DATE:  10/20/12
Shelter Animal No:  A578114

ADOPTED as a friend for Willow 11/27/2013!

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