
Gizmo is an Adorable Angora. Take a look at his ears; have you seen anything cuter?

This bun can’t sit still! He’s constantly on the move exploring and playing. Gizmo will require constant grooming to upkeep his beautiful fur.

This doll needs a forever, loving home.

Gizmo can only be adopted by someone experienced with Angora’s. We do not adopt to anyone that wants to spin. Gizmo is a special needs rabbit. He has chronic ear infections and will need frequent visits with the Vet. He is bonded with Ambrose.

Gizmo is currently in foster care.

Sadly Gizmo passed away.  You went through so much Gizmo but you were a fighter. You were loved dearly by your foster Mommy. Ambrose misses you! Binky Free sweet bunny! 11/2016

2 Responses

  1. We would love to meet Gizmo. We are looking for a loving, non aggressive, non-biting bunny that we can welcome in our home. Is the bunny available for viewing this weekend?

    • Kimberly

      Gizmo is currently undergoing treatment for a chronic ear infection. Sugar, Bambi, Leo & Lolita are all really sweet mellow rabbits. Are you interested in meeting them? Please send us an email at or call us at 916-710-0105 to set up an appointment.

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