
This is Pasquale, a young, male, neutered Silver Martin.

Pasquale seems to love all things Italian, perhaps feels like he came from Italy.  (He was really rescued from the Sacramento County Animal Shelter.)

Pasquale has the handsome markings of a Silver Martin which is black with a framing of white fur.

He also has a caramel colored spot behind his ears.  He is quite striking!

Pasquale’s looks are only surpassed by his wonderful personality.  He is very sweet and loves to sit next to you to be petted.

Pasquale is at the Petsmart on Iron Point and is available for adoption.

Pasquale loves his greens!

Rescue date:  2/15/13

Adopt Date 12/2013! Pasquale was adopted as friend for a blind bunny. He now lives in Las Vegas!

Pascale has a MOVIE!  View it on YouTube

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