Portfolio Category: Adopted Rabbits


Lily is a beautiful spayed female New Zealand. Lily was found in a gutter in Sacramento by a police officer. She was very thin and malnourished. Lily has flourished in foster care. She is now at a healthy weight. Lily is a sweet rabbit and loves to be loved. She enjoys people and being pet. Lily would do...
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Hershey is a neutered male. Hershey is a Jersey Wooly. Hershey is a darling rabbit. He is friendly and loves to flop. His long fur requires regular grooming. Meet Hershey at our Adoption Event November 4th from noon to 4:00pm at the Folsom Petco, located at 855 East Bidwell. Hershey was bonded to a bunny named Chloe and Adopted...
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Miracle is a sweet baby bunny. She is truly a miracle. Miracle was found abandoned outside without a Mom in sight. She was brought to us and we immediately got her Veterinary care for an upper respiratory infection. This sweet bunny is currently in foster care and will be available for adoption in a few months. Adopted Dec...
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