Portfolio Category: Adopted Rabbits


Faith is a super sweet baby girl. She was sadly attacked by a dog and her back leg was broken. She has recovered and is happily doing binkies with her Sister. Faith is such a doll and loves attention. We would love to adopt her with her Sister Sky. Sky was adopted with his brother Faith...
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WARNING CUTE ATTACK AHEAD! We warned you! Smudge is a whole 1 lb of Adorableness! This stinkin little cutie will charm the pants right off you. He's a really small Dwarf & full of bun-a-tude. We love this little guy. Smudge was Adopted 7/2015!...
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Sweet adorable Mina is a darling rabbit. She had babies but sadly none of them made it. We'd love to adopt Mina with another bunny to bring her comfort. Mina was in a fire that left her with loss of vision and neurological damage. She is now a sanctuary rabbit with FUR 2015....
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