Pepper is an adorable Mini-Lop. He is a mellow little fellow and loves to be pet. His fur is beautiful.
Pepper will be at Petco in Folsom, located at 855 East Bidwell Street starting on Saturday, August 2nd. Come out and visit him.
Pepper was ADOPTED!! 10/2014...
Anakin is one of Honey's babies. He is still a young bunny and very sweet.
Anakin is a sweet bunny and likes lots of attention. He is a cuddle bunny and likes to be snuggled.
He is currently at the Petco in Folsom, located at 855 East Bidwell Street.
Anakin was Adopted 5/2015!
Skywalker is one of Honey's babies. He is seven months old.
Skywalker is a curious boy. He's playful and loves to be pet.
Skywalker was ADOPTED!! 10/2014...
Queen Amadala is one of Honey's babies. She is six months old.
Queen Amadala is a fun, outgoing bunny girl. She likes attention and exploring. She looks just like Princess Laya but is a bit more reserved.
Queen Amadala was bonded to Hoops and ADOPTED!! 11/2014