Portfolio Category: Gone But Not Forgotten


Gizmo is an Adorable Angora. Take a look at his ears; have you seen anything cuter? This bun can't sit still! He's constantly on the move exploring and playing. Gizmo will require constant grooming to upkeep his beautiful fur. This doll needs a forever, loving home. Gizmo can only be adopted by someone experienced with Angora's. We do not...
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Ambrose is a super cutie too! Those ears are to die for... And that face, so adorable. He is a beautiful Angora. He requires constant grooming to keep his fur looking top shape. Ambrose is constantly on the move, checking everything out, because after all, everything is his business. Ambrose is in need of a forever, loving...
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Max is a real doll. He is super playful and full of energy. Sadly, he lost his Mother when he was a baby. Sky and Faith are his Sisters. Max's Sister, Faith was attacked by a dog and her leg was broken for this reason we don't want him to go to a home with dogs...
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