Portfolio Tag: Bunny

Dollie & Pollie

Dollie was left behind when her owner moved. She gave birth shortly afterwards. She made her way to a neighbors yard with all of her babies. Dollie is currently in foster care and available for adoption. She had a bot fly which had to be removed. Dollie is spayed and vaccinated against RHVD2. Pollie is...
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Sadly, Nubbs passed away in foster care. Nubbs came to us with multiple health issues. He was finally recovered and ready to attend his first adoption event when he peacefully passed away on his foster Moms lap. Nubbs was a special bunny who was loved by the entire...
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Mac is a beautiful male New Zealand. Mac was rescued from a lab where animal testing was done on him. He is currently in foster care learning to trust that some humans are good and will not harm him. Mac is a sweetheart. He is playful and loving living life as a pampered house rabbit....
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Midori & Henney

Midori & Henney  Bailey's babies. The boys are bonded.  Midori & Henney are super sweet and playful. Both are neutered and vaccinated against RHVD2. Midori: He is the little prince of the family. Many of his sisters like to groom his ears or chase him around. He knows his name and response when called. He loves...
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three + = 11

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