Thin Mintz is a male rabbit. He is approximately four months old.
Thin Mintz was rescued from the Las Vegas dumpsite. He is a bit traumatized but is adjusting nicely in foster care.
Thin Mintz would love to have a bunny friend. He is use to roaming with 700+ rabbits.
Interested in adopting, contact us at or...
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Thin Mintz
Shortbunz is a female. She is approximately six months old.
Shortbunz is one of ten rabbits rescued from Las Vegas, all named after Girl Scout cookies. See the bulletin board
for details of this rescue.
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S'Morez is a male rabbit. He is approximately 9 months old.
S'Morez is one of the ten rabbits rescued from a Las Vegas dumpsite.
S'Morez has perfect litter box habits. He is such a sweet bunny. He loves to play!