Portfolio Tag: house rabbit


Rosie is a beautiful Harlequin Lionhead. Sadly, Rosie was abandoned in a box in front of a shelter. It's heartbreaking that the person didn't have the decency to take her inside the shelter where it was cool and she would be safe. Fortunately, Rosie was found and brought inside. We rescued her. Rosie is such a sweet...
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Carson is a very sweet curious neutered male Palomino rabbit. Carson was abandoned at the Bradshaw Animal Shelter where we rescued him. He was adopted, but sadly returned. He developed an upper respiratory infection which has been cleared up with Veterinary care. Carson loves to be brushed and pet. He is an extremely affectionate rabbit. He will...
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Flipflop is a male Jersey Wooley. Flipflop will be available for adoption at out adoption event on Saturday, September 1st from Noon to 4:00pm at Petco 855 East Bidwell, Folsom, CA (next to Office Depot and Sprouts). Flipflop is a doll! He would love to have a bunny friend. Flipflop was Adopted September 2018!!...
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