Daily Bunny Cleaning Checklist

Daily Bunny Cleaning Checklist

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  • Spray Bottled filled with 50% White Distilled Vinegar and 50% Water.
  • Paper towels
  • Garbage bag
  • Broom or shop vac
  • Dustpan


  • Remove Bunny, blanket, toys, boxes, tunnels, etc. from x-pen


  • Sweep floor


  • Empty litter box and spray with vinegar/water. Let sit for 15 to 20 minutes to sanitize litter box. Wipe dry.


  • If you have flooring other than carpet, mop floor with vinegar and water.


  • Fill Litter box with a bunny safe litter such as Wood Stove Pellets, Yesterday’s News, Carefresh or Feline Pine Pellets.


  • Place a large amount of Timothy Hay in one corner of the litter box or in a basket that’s above the litter box. Bunnies poop as they are eating their hay.


  • Wash Food and Water Bowl – Refill water bowl with fresh water.


  • Lay down clean blanket. Return toys, boxes, tunnels, etc. in Bunnies x-pen. Good blankets or flooring to place down under an x-pen are fleece blankets. You can also place a waterproof tarp under the blanket to further protect your flooring. Washable pads for incontinent adults also make fabulous blankets to place under an x-pen.


  • Return Bunny to clean x-pen

Cleaning one bunny area takes approximately 30 minutes a day. Keeping your bunny’s area clean and sanitary is important for your bunny’s health.











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