Tag Archives: bunny

Rabbits abandoned in park are saved!

Recently, we rescued multiple rabbits who had been abandoned outside in two different parks. Sadly, domestic rabbit don't have the ability to fend for themselves outside. They are not like wild cottontails or jackrabbits that are born with instincts to care for themselves. Domestic rabbits end up starving to death, killed by predators or hit...
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Be Kind to Bunnies T-Shirt Fundraiser

The Be Kind to Bunnies T-Shirt was inspired by rabbits like Oliver and Johnny. Oliver was a victim of abuse. Many in the US gave a voice to Oliver who was in the UK. This ultimately lead to his rescue and a new home. Johnny faced being euthanized after being abandoned with a cancerous growth...
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Help Save Johnny’s Life

Friends, we need your help for poor Johnny. The histopathology report came back on the growth that was removed from his foot and leg. It’s Myxosarcoma, cancer ? We talked to Dr. Sanchez on Saturday. She recommends amputating the leg. This will give Johnny the best chance to eliminate the chance of the cancer returning....
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