Tag Archives: bunny lover

Got Hay…Herbs, Treats, Chew Toys, Litter, Pellets for Bunny?

  The fabulous folks at Small Pet Select will donate to us when you order using our special link. Click Here or Use Coupon Code RES-FUR. Order fabulous products for your bunny (guinea pig & chinchillas too) and help Friends of Unwanted Rabbits at the same...
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Bunny Bonanza Adoption Event

September 12th
12pm to 4pm
Bradshaw Animal Shelter
3839 Bradshaw Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
Meet FUR rescue rabbits and Bradshaw Animal Shelter rabbits available for adoption at the Rabbit Adoption Event.
We will be in the Classroom at the Bradshaw Animal Shelter.
All FUR Rabbits available for...
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Rabbits abandoned in park are saved!

Recently, we rescued multiple rabbits who had been abandoned outside in two different parks. Sadly, domestic rabbit don't have the ability to fend for themselves outside. They are not like wild cottontails or jackrabbits that are born with instincts to care for themselves. Domestic rabbits end up starving to death, killed by predators or hit...
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Shop Amazon Smile to help Rescue Rabbits

Black Friday is on November 27th. You can make an impack while you shop for Black Friday deals or even when it's not Black Friday. Simply shop at https://www.smile.amazon.com/ch/83-1349195 and AmazonSmile will donate to Friends of Unwanted Rabbits, at no cost to you.  Click...
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