Tag Archives: house rabbits

Why does my bunny act aggressively

Rabbits are prey animals and can become easily frightened when approached. They can act defensively out of fear by lunging, grunting, boxing, and sometimes even biting. Rabbits are not born aggressive. It's important to know how to approach a rabbit. If you have a rabbit that is displaying these behaviors, first make sure that the rabbit...
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Wooden Rabbit Dream Home

Purchase a Wooden Rabbit Dream Home and Friends of Unwanted Rabbits will receive 10% of your purchase. Great prices!! That’s a Win for your rabbit(s) and a Win for rescue rabbits!    Order Here Use the coupon code FUR. ...
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Releasing Domestic Rabbits Outdoors

Domestic rabbits should NEVER be released outdoors! There are many dangers for a rabbit that has been abandoned outdoors or has gotten loose from a backyard. Rabbits are subject to the following dangers:
  • Being killed by Predators
  • Starvation
  • Moldy or poisonous plants
  • Being hit by cars
  • Toxic pesticides or fertilizers
  • Exposure to sun, heat, wind, or...
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