Tag Archives: Rabbit Rescue

Shop Amazon Smile to help Rescue Rabbits

Black Friday is on November 27th. You can make an impack while you shop for Black Friday deals or even when it's not Black Friday. Simply shop at https://www.smile.amazon.com/ch/83-1349195 and AmazonSmile will donate to Friends of Unwanted Rabbits, at no cost to you.  Click...
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Scentsy Shopping Fundraiser

Friends, we need to raise $2960.00 to spay/neuter and vaccinate Twix and her 8 babies and Clarabelle's babies. This is in addition to ongoing medical expenses we have for rabbits like Raffi, Valentina, Kiki and Domino. 25% of all sales from the Scentsy Fundraiser will be donated to Friends of Unwanted Rabbits. Scentsy has lots of...
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Mask Fundraiser

We are still taking orders. Check out the available fabrics.
  • 100% Double Cotton Lined
  • Prewashed
  • Adjustable
One for $10.00 donation or Three for $25.00 donation How to order;
  1. Send an email to friendsofunwantedrabbits@gmail.com
  2. List your top 5 fabrics
  3. State the number of masks you want to order
  4. Include your name, address, and email address
  5. Make your donation  Read more


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