Rabbits should never be given as Easter gifts. Rabbits are a 10 year commitment. They are not starter pets nor do they make the best pet for young children. Rabbits require specialized care and should only be housed indoors. They need to see Certified Exotic Veterinarians which are more costly. Rabbits require more care than...
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Rabbits and Easter Don’t Mix
Rabbits Are Not For Easter
This Easter, don’t buy or adopt a bunny on impulse. After the novelty has worn off, reality sets in. The cost of owning a bunny cost more than owning a dog or cat. They look cute and cuddly, but the reality is bunnies are prey animals, they don’t...
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Rabbits Are Not for Easter
95% of rabbits purchased for Easter will not make it to their first birthday. Rabbits are not good pets for young children. Rabbits have delicate skeletal systems and don't like to be picked up and held. Rabbits live on average between 10 and 12 years. They are a high maintenance pet and not easy to...
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Live Rabbits Are Not for Easter