Tag Archives: shopping


FUNDRAISER🐰 Please help us with a donation for medical, spay/neuter, RHVD2 vaccination, and rabbit care expenses. Our funds are extremely low and we have a lot of medical expenses for rabbits like Chowder who’s undergoing treatment for EC. Cookie who has entropion and needs surgery on her right eye....
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Fundraiser – Squirrel Tote Bag and Coffee Bunny Tote Bag

We are super excited to announce that our friends at The Huckleberry Bunny have donated two different Tote Bags to us for #GivingTuesday. The first is a Squirrel Grocery List specially designed after Squirrel🐿 The second one is Coffee and My Bunny. Make a $40.00 donation and we will send...
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Got Hay…Herbs, Treats, Chew Toys, Litter, Pellets for Bunny?

  The fabulous folks at Small Pet Select will donate to us when you order using our special link. Click Here or Use Coupon Code RES-FUR. Order fabulous products for your bunny (guinea pig & chinchillas too) and help Friends of Unwanted Rabbits at the same...
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