A Love Story

Friends of Unwanted Rabbits was contacted by a frantic Good Samaritan who needed help catching a rabbit.

Mama Bunny, later named Juliet, gave birth to three babies yesterday afternoon, March 14, before the wild storms of heavy rain, hail, lightning, and thunder of last night. Seeing the kits exposed to the rain, the caller brought them inside and kept them warm as she reached out to local rabbit rescues for help.

At 3pm this afternoon we received the call, packed up the van and embarked on a mission in the light rain. We found beautiful, terrified Mama hiding under a SUV.  We attempted to endear ourselves to her by offering some Spring Mix but she darted to the far side of the property.  We noted Mama’s torn ear, evidence of a rough life, the residual of a prior scuffle.

Armed with three exercise pens and soothing voices, three volunteers were able to capture Mama near a bush. FUR volunteer Cindy gathered her up in a blanket – racing heart against racing heart.

The young family was spirited off to a loving foster home and given a clean nesting box, litter box, Sherwood Forest rabbit pellets, fresh hay and water, quiet and safety.

Given the 24 hour separation of Mama and babies we were concerned if they’d make it.

The caller reported that Papa Bunny, a handsome black rabbit, really loved Mama Bunny and was observed mounting her late yesterday afternoon, hours after she gave birth.

Rabbits come by their reputation honestly. A female rabbit can get pregnant the day she gives birth. We’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.


The next day we received a call that Papa Bunny was laying by a tree and appeared lethargic. FUR volunteers once again raced out to rescue him. Fortunately, they were able to catch Papa bunny who was later named Romeo.

Love stories sometimes have tragic endings. Sadly, the next morning all three of Romeo & Juliet’s babies hopped over the rainbow bridge. We were saddened that they didn’t make it. Juliet gave birth to a stillborn the same morning.

Romeo was taken to Petcare and given an exam by Dr. McRoberts. He had a torn ear, several bite marks that were healing, discharge from one eye and a dislocated toe. He was also suffering from GI Stasis. We left Petcare with sub-q fluids, eye drops, an antibiotic and a gut motility medication.

We sensed that Romeo was missing his love Juliet. Romeo was syringe fed SARx from Sherwood Pet Health and ate veggies that were hand fed to him. Once Juliet was stable we moved her to the same foster home so that Romeo could see Juliet in a cage close by.

In the days since, Romeo has perked up and is eating on his own. Juliet too is doing well and eating. Juliet goes in to be spayed on Friday, March 23rd. Once Romeo is done with his medication he will be checked out by the Vet and determined if he can be neutered.

We are hoping that someone special will want to adopt these two bunnies so that they can spend their life together in a loving, indoor home.

romeo a Romeo Juliet



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