Help Save Johnny’s Life

Friends, we need your help for poor Johnny. The histopathology report came back on the growth that was removed from his foot and leg. It’s Myxosarcoma, cancer ? We talked to Dr. Sanchez on Saturday. She recommends amputating the leg. This will give Johnny the best chance to eliminate the chance of the cancer returning. If we leave it as is the cancer will return and may be more aggressive. Dr. Sanchez did x-rays to make sure his lungs are clear of cancer which they are fortunately. What was discovered on the x-rays were ribs that had been broken at some point in his life. They are healed but have some arthritis. We just want to cry when we think about all that poor Johnny has been through. Will you help us with a donation so that Johnny can have life saving surgery? Our Paypal is or Donate Here. We will post the estimate as soon as we receive it for the leg amputation surgery. Johnny is currently healing well from the surgery where the cancerous growth was removed. He’s a darling rabbit and he deserves to have a long life ? Please help us save John



ny ?

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