Peanut recovers from attack

When we rescued Peanut we discovered that he had been attacked by something. He had bite wounds all over his body. The worse injury was to his right shoulder and right toe. His injuries had appeared to have healed over but as is often the case with rabbits, a wound that appears to have healed from the outside has an abscess festering beneath.

Peanut’s wound had to be reopened by the Vet so that the abscess could heal. His wound had to be washed in a special antiseptic solution three times a day and covered by his foster Mom. He is also on several antibiotics and metacam for pain.  Several days later he went in for surgery to have the wound stitched up but it was discovered that he had an abscess deep in his shoulder that couldn’t be removed without removing most of the muscle which would have left him unable to use his leg. A drain was put in place and has to be flushed daily with an antibiotic solution to get to the abscess that is in his shoulder still. His toe had to be amputated.

Peanut requires round the clock care from his foster Mom. He is a very tolerant rabbit. A special t-shirt had to be made for him to keep him from chewing on his sutures. He has to wear a baby preemie onsie as well to help to protect the injury site. The biggest challenge is keeping his right foot covered where his toe was amputated. Despite his foster Mom’s best efforts to come up with sewing a sock for him, he somehow manages to remove it.

Peanut is a tiny Dutch Dwarf rabbit with deep blue eyes. He is such a sweet heart! It’s funny to dress him in his onsie. He has gotten use to the routine and lifts his leg when he knows it’s time to put his foot through the arm holes.

Peanut had a check up with the Vet today and he is recovering nicely. The drain was removed but the hole still has to have a warm compress applied several times a day and the antibiotic solution put in the space. His foster Mom needs to shop for a preemie onsie with long sleeves so she can sew the end and hopefully keep his right foot covered.

Peanut’s Vet bills are extensive and he will continue to need treatment until he is healed. If you would like to make a donation toward his medical care we would greatly appreciate it! Please make a check payable to TEAM-FUR and in the memo section write Peanut. Mail the check to PO Box 882 Folsom, CA 95763.

Please pray for Peanuts continued recovery. Thank you!

December 7, 2013

Peanut Update! Peanut saw the Vet today and she said he is healing nicely. Unfortunately he still has to wear a onsie and has to have his foot covered. He is not happy about having his foot covered and pretty much works all day and night trying to figure out how to remove his leg from the onsie, then the sock and then the tape around his foot. Wish they made tiny shoes or socks for rabbits. He is such a tiny little guy, even when I sew up his sock so it’s smaller he manages to get out of it. I think it’s a good sign that he has a spunky attitude. He still has to receive Penicillin injections once a week. He is eating well. He expects to be fed veggies in the morning and the evening which of course I happily oblige. He continues to put on weight which is good since he was so thin when we rescued him. If you could see how blue his eyes are you would pretty much do anything for this little pumpkin. I pray he continues to heal and that he will soon be strong enough to be neutered. For now the world is his potty box….


Peanut A Peanut in blue Peanut1

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