Update on Peanut

Thank you to all who generously donated to Peanut’s medical expenses! We raised 544.00! Peanut is recovering well. He has become very playful which is a great sign that he is feeling better. Peanut also likes to stretch out on the shelf in his cage and gaze down lovingly at my beautiful female Belgian Hare, Madeline. Peanut is so loving and patient. He gives lots of bunny kisses each day during his TLC snuggle time. Peanut expects to be fed veggies both in the morning and in the evening which I happily oblige. He has gained weight which is good since he was so underweight when we rescued him. He still receives a weekly injection of penicillin. He has another checkup with the Vet after Christmas.

Blessings to each and every one of you for loving Peanut and caring about him by donating to cover his medical expenses, sharing the post on social media and most importantly praying for his recovery. Peanut has a second chance at life because of wonderful people like you! Happy Holidays to each and every one of you! Check back with us on our Facebook Page and our website www.friendsofunwantedrabbits.org for continued updates on Peanut’s progress.

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